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Charles of Tours

Adventure #02 - Conversation

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After collaborating with @Lord_Chris we agreed that the first Adventure was a success. So, on that note:


Applications for this adventure due by Thursday, 14 July 2016 - Adventure begins Friday, 15 July 2016!


All characters previously approved may participate in this Adventure.


I will type up the opening post to the adventure some time before it begins, but posting will be opened on 15 July. Think about what your characters have been doing since the last adventure. They have probably all healed their wounds and have been doing minor errands for the Duke since there has been no signs of serious trouble in the realm ... until now ...


This time, your skills with the sword and the bow will not be enough to achieve victory. More than ever before, you will have to use your wits to overcome your foes, if you are to successfully prevent a war between two kingdoms from breaking out.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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I've typed up the opening post -no spoilers here- and sent it to Chris. You all should expect to see it fairly soon.


To keep the excitement high, I'll give you all a hint: It might sound like it's from the Lord of the Rings, but it exists in the real world ...




Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Charles Loring looks up from the chores he was doing.... "This sounds like new and exciting adventure."



OOC: just want to say, I am IN :D

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Because the adventure hasn't really taken off the ground, I'll continue to accept new characters until further notice!


Hopefully we get some old faces back into the action as well. :)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Good idea to continue accepting characters.

It is holiday season now. Maybe when that period is over the adventure will start picking up pace.


Also, as this seems to be a journey along a long road - I think it would even be possible to let characters join in mid game.

Found in the street, so to say :)

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Hi gus,


sorry for my long silence on this thread (and this site). I was traveling quite a lot over the recent days and rarely had internet connection. But I am back in the saddle now :)


Anyway, for this adventure I think we are waiting for some input from Charles of Tours. Brother Goodman has entered the tent of King Alfonso and we are keen to learn what the king will tell him.

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